James Cameron, The Titanic and Mobile Home Parks
Instead of searching for the most obvious or popular mobile home park deals—the “Titanics”—we should focus on finding the smaller, less noticeable […]
Rhino & MHP’s Are Dogecoin In 2021!
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Rhino Communities, where we bring you the hard-hitting, no-nonsense truth about mobile home parks. And today, we’re […]
Our Mobile Home Park: Valuing Your Mobile Home Park—Determining the Right Price
So, you’ve finally decided to part ways with your mobile home park, and now the time has come to answer that all-important […]
Marketing Your Mobile Home Park: Attracting Buyers Effectively
In the whimsical and occasionally maddening world of mobile home park ownership, there comes a time when one must part ways with […]
Competition and Choice: A Lesson from Vending Machines
Have you ever noticed that vending machines often come in pairs? You’ll see a Coca-Cola machine right beside a Pepsi machine, and […]
Exploring the Nuances of Identity and the Power of Place: A Reflection on Personal Connections and the St. Louis Experience
In the realm of affordable housing and community development, understanding what sets us apart and connects us is crucial. Our sense of […]
The Great Mobile Home Debate
When you think of mobile home parks, what comes to mind? Quaint communities, a bit of Americana tucked away in some corner […]
Embrace Your Sufferings: A Path to Wise Investing in Affordable Housing
In the world of investing, much like life, we all face moments of hardship and adversity. These trials, while challenging, can be […]
Understanding Your Options: How to Sell Your Mobile Home Park
Selling your mobile home park requires choosing the right method that suits your needs and goals. This guide explores various options available […]
Preparing for Success: Pre-Sale Checklist for Mobile Home Park Owners
Ensuring a smooth and successful sale of your mobile home park requires thorough preparation. This comprehensive pre-sale checklist covers everything from property […]
Navigating the Sale: Steps for Selling Your Mobile Home Park
Selling your mobile home park involves a detailed and strategic process to ensure you secure the best possible deal. This step-by-step guide […]
Maximizing Value: Selling Your Mobile Home Park
Selling a mobile home park can be a lucrative endeavor if approached strategically. Understanding the key selling strategies and how to maximize […]